Puppy Selection Process
So, you've filled out an application, put a deposit down, you have impulsively purchase all the cutest puppy gear (and too much ), and now the puppies are born... Announcement of the birth will happen first on social media, and then we will get in touch with families in deposit list order. When is it your turn, you'll be spammed with pictures/video, and selection will be done via text/phone around 2-3 weeks- health permitting. This has worked for over a decade, and continues to work. So please be patient, and when you meet the pup at 4-5 weeks (for their health and mom's), let the magic happen! By the 'pick-ups' on week 8-10, you'll be connected, possibly in love or a newly converted poodle fan! We promise. We guarantee.

Once you've filled out an application, discussed your needs, selected a litter waitlist.....
Deposits can be discussed after your application has been received and approved and after we have met or spoken on the phone. Deposits can be paid with cash, check, or PayPal. Final payment is due a week prior to pickup of your puppy. If using PayPal, the buyer is responsible for the PayPal fee and must include the 3% processing fee with the deposit or payment.
Your deposit goes toward the total cost of your puppy and is used to reserve your puppy until he or she is ready to go home. If we are unable to provide a puppy for you due to unforeseen circumstances (ie. not enough puppies or chosen gender), a full refund of the deposit will be given. All other deposits are nonrefundable.
Waiting List
A puppy application must be filled out, you must be approved, and a deposit must be placed before you can be added to our waiting list.
You must be specific as to what gender and color you'd like and what dam and sire you're wanting a puppy from.
The puppies will be matched with their people in the order the people were added to the list.
If you do not want a puppy from the current litter or dam, your deposit may be rolled over to the next available litter, but will be done so at the discretion of RJ Standard Poodles.
If you decide not to choose a puppy when one becomes available, your deposit will be forfeited.
Puppy Picking in Descending order
After the litter is born, we go through the applications and deposits in the order they were received and match the puppies with the buyers' preference of gender and color.
Puppies can not be visited until they are at least 4 weeks old. Please understand that they are susceptible to disease when they are young and keeping visitors from coming and going helps protect them and the rest of our pack. Our poodles' health is our foremost concern.
After your deposit is placed and a puppy has been matched to your needs, you may schedule a date and time to pick them up. Your puppy cannot go home before it is 8 weeks old.
We are fortunate to be flexible on "pick-up" dates for your bundle of joy. However, unless prior arrangements are made with the owner of RJ Standard Poodles, BEFORE the go home date is announced, you will be expected to pick-up within 72 hrs of that date/time. A boarding fee of 25.00 a day will be added to your final balance and required to be paid in full prior to "pick-up".
Puppy Updates
We try to accommodate puppy families and visitors, but sometimes it's difficult to take pictures on a regular basis. We try to send pictures when we have the time. We try our best to provide Bi-weekly updates once your puppy is born. The puppy are continually given different opportunities for stimuli and enrichment to ensure well rounded, curious, and social personalities. Many of our pups and mothers have gone on to fulfill positions as certified therapy and service animals. We are even endorsed by local programs.